Camping at an old haunt
Written December 2016
I'm a bit behind on my writing here. But I have a story from three weeks ago...
I rarely get visitors, even from old friends. Partly my fault, I can sometimes be a hermit, and I also live a bit out of the way. So most of the time I end up travelling if I want to see the ole gang.
Well a friend and talented blacksmith Matt Looker was visiting another great blacksmith friend of mine named Matthew Paul. Looker rode his Harley over from Michigan and wanted to see my shop, and get some dirt time in.
He asked if I had a favorite spot I like to go to, and of course I have many. This is where I used to have a Wigwam built but I had to tear it down when I found some jackasses spray painted a trail to it and left a 4 wheeler trail of beer bottles and broken glass up to my spot. I tore down and burnt the wigwam and havent camped their in a year or two. Really sad, it was a signifigant place to me for a long time. But those idiots finally moved back to whatever city they came from. So I got my spot back. Anyways, the guys were running late so I spent the day hiking back and fourth in the swampy humid August heat. I prepped a new firepit, and gatherered enough wood for the night. This way when they arrived just before sundown, they'd be treated like royalty. Just show up, setup your bed and crack a brew.
The woods
I decided it'd be interesting to show my typical go to gear for anytime I go into the woods.
I realized how nice it is that almost all of my gear has either been made by myself, or someone I know.
Billybass' Donk Grill cover. It's seen it's share of dirt time and abuse. Still tickin, and so is the awesome grill Donk made me.
I've been rocking this Joonas puukko around my neck daily since I got it around the new year. Schwert made me the adjustable leather cord too. There is nothing more satisfying than using gear that is made by another person passionate about their craft. Not to mention it'll probably be around for the next 7 generations.
I don't often post photos of myself but I had Jess snap a couple of me so I could show another important piece of gear that I always have on me. My packbasket.
I have a bunch of them, but each one has a different purpose. This one is awesome for lugging a ton of gear, and a sherpa incase you need an extra hand carrying back firewood.
This basket is a really old handmade black ash basket, most likely from the Adirondacks.
I guess this is one piece of gear that most overlook. The humble hat.
Ive had this cheapo wool fedora since maybe 2006. I have worn it everyday since, no exaggeration. Of course on some winter trips I'd bring a wool beanie just incase. It used to be a dark chesnut brown but all the rain and sweat bled it out. But I still wear it because it's been my go to hat forever now. You can see on the front of the hat where my hands commonly come into cotact with it. A great tool, and well used. These come in handy for other uses. Ive used it to bail water, drink from, hold berries while foraging, fanning the campfire. It's great, and it's a hat.
Ready for some coffee.
and some of that wild wineberry jam that I made from berries foraged from this very mountain.
Another great item is a portable cutting board. I use this thing for all kinds of stuff, but it's main purpose is a good clean cutting surface while cooking. Ive bever been a canned stew or lazy house instant add water meals. It all just tastes sort of like dogfood. I've always lugged vegetables, and whatever protein (meat) with me. Im in no rush when Im camping, the whole point is to slow down and enjoy what's going on around you. Cooking is so much fun, and good food tastes even better in the forest around a fire. So a cutting board, comes in handy.
I hung up my tarp and hammock where I used to have my wigwam standing.
So after a couple trips back and fourth to camp. The guys finally got here. So we hung out in the shop for an hour and a half catching up. Then we headed to camp with an hour of light to spare. Im glad I took photos earlier because I was so busy talking and rambling, and playing guitar that I didn't take many night photos. It was really great to hang out with some great friends in one of my favorite spots in the woods.
Chris using his MP to cutup some great vegetables that Matt's gal grew on her farm. Man we ate good this night!!!
Matt brought some of his catch. He's been fishing up a storm, man I need to get out in a canoe. This stuff was tasty.
Cooking is a ritual in my camp. It's something to look forward to..especially dinnertime.
Looker and I were the last ones up. We talked about so many topics, but it's always a great time.
He finally had to cash in his chips, and I did a half hour later. I played a bunch of guitar around the fire. Of course, no one got cool shots of that!
I finally decided to hit the hay, here is a crumby shot from the hammock.
Ye Ole friend of Black Dirt - Matthew Paul. A good friend, usually first up at camp always ready to offer the first brew of coffee.
One by one we all wake up.. there was bacon and sausage to cookup. If only there were more time in the day to fit in what is needed to have a half decent conversation. 24 hours sucks... lets go for 36 hours in a day.
Here's another cool MP Knife I saw for the first time.
Ye Ole Looker, rode his Harley thousands of miles just to come and hang out. What an honor, Im jealous too. That sounds like a badass ride!
He brought some goodies for me to check out.
A mean looking axe head!
He also had these smaller neck knife style blades. I liked the snap idea, very clever.
Time to hit the trail home.
I now feel like a chef in his pantry when Im in my woods. I remembered Matt asked about ironwood and I took him right to a spot where it grew. He needed this for a project. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Not sure what else to say. It was short, it was sweet. I need to see these guys more often, it was a good time.