Measuring Cup

Measuring Cup
from $250.00
Wooden Measuring Cup
Hand carved out of some of the finest black cherry I harvested in Iowa. The stellar grain patterns and the tint of a rose glazed sunset really make this cup stand out.
Carefully crafted to hold one cup of dry measurement. This will also serve as a fine kuksa to drink from!
You can choose what style the handle will be. Some like to hang their measuring cups so I am offering a carved hole as an option. Choose between a normal circular hole, heart, star, or an X. Be sure to choose 1/2 or a full 1 Cup measurement.
Wood Type - Black Cherry - Prunus Serotina
Capacity - Holds 1 Cup
Finish - Linseed Oil and Beeswax
*Orders placed will be made from spalted and slightly figured Silver Maple - Acer Saccharinum
Handle Style: